Katie on the Move..
This has been quite a week for Katie! She had her first taste of baby food this week. We gave her some banana baby food. She wasn't so impressed. We later tried pear baby food. Again, not impressed. I'm sure it won't be long before she changes her mind.
A friend of ours gave us a great idea in the way of starting babies into the world of eating real food. She said she gave her daughter pieces of food that she could hold, like sweet potatoes sliced thick, pears, etc. That sounds like a winner. It seems babies are just as interested in holding things as they are in eating things. And we all know where things immediately go when babies are holding them.
Katie also had another first. Judy was home with her today, playing on the floor. Katie made it up onto all fours (body off the floor) and made a few small movements. Wow! I don't think it will be long before she is mobile.
This is a great picture of Katie doing what she is always doing--two fingers in the mouth.