Did you know?

Did you know that you can click on the pictures on our blog to see them full-size? This tip comes from dad. It also proves that, in computers, if you are not constantly learning something, you are not very good at computers. :)

Amazing creation.

Day 7 - Tuesday, January 16
It started to warm up a bit today and it was absolutely beautiful. We got an early start to go snowshoeing at Rocky Mountain National Park. As we drove to the park, we were struck by the mountains with the gigantic green trees, untouched white snow all with a backdrop of the bluest sky we've ever seen. As we drove through the winding roads, we could only imagine that this was a tiny preview of what the Lord has in store for us in heaven.

...and then, came the snowshoeing. It worked okay for the first 1/4 mile or so, but then Katie and Micah got fed up with the pull behind sled we had them in. But, the snow was too deep for Micah to walk in without his own snowshoes and Katie was too heavy to carry through the snow. So, it was a short lived trip for Chris and I. Chris' parents and brother continued their trek through the forrest while we headed back to the cabin for the kids to take nap. Even though it was a failed adventure for us, it was well worth the drive just to see the scenery.

We ended the day by eating at a local restaraunt called Chop House. We came back to the cabin to pack up and clean up the cabin. Tomorrow, the amazing vacation comes to an end. It was a great trip, but we are definitely looking forward to sleeping in our own beds tomorrow night.

Relaxing day.

Day 6 - Monday, January 15
Chris and I were beginning to get a bit of cabin fever. So, we got up early with the kids and made our way to Boulder. We got a bite to eat at Chick-fil-A (of course) and then did some quick shopping. When we got back to the cabin, we played outside in the snow for a while with the new inner tube. Wow. That thing can fly down the hill. It was great fun riding it down, but it was miserable trying to trek back to the top of the hill in knee deep snow. So, that didn't last long. After nap time, we went driving around Long's Peak and Mount Meeker to take some pictures while Chris' parents and brother went to nearby Estes Park shopping. The scenery is so breathtaking here (pictures will be posted soon). For dinner, the whole family went back out to Boulder to Benihana's. All I can say about that is 'Yum'.


Day 5 - Sunday, January 14
Jeremy (Chris' brother) and I (Judy) went skiing today at Eldora mountain. Jeremy went snowboarding while I stuck to the traditional skis. I was a little hesitant because it's been over 10 years since I skied last. But, to my surprise, it was easy to pick up again. After 10 or so runs on the green slopes, I told Jeremy I wanted to try the black diamond slopes. I used to be good at it, so why not try it again? We hopped on a 20 minute lift ride that took us to the very top of Eldora mountain (10,000 ft). It was a beautiful view at the peak of the mountain. The slopes didn't look too bad, but I figured I should warm up first by going down a blue slope. It started off easy enough, but all of a sudden it seemed to turn in to a 90 degree drop. This was not how I remembered blue slopes being. I couldn't slow down and I was thinking it was only a matter of seconds before I wiped out. Before I could finish that thought I realized I was tumbling down the mountain. When I finally stopped, I looked back up the mountain to see 1 of my skis, 1 of my poles laying about 100 feet above me, and some very nice people skiing to my aid. That was enough to scare me out of trying a black diamond slope. Except for a few bruises and a bit of a scare, it was overall a fun day. Although, I doubt I'll be skiing again anytime soon.

While we were skiing, Chris, the kids, and his parents went out to Boulder for some shopping. They bought a inner tube to try sledding on. We can't wait to try that tomorrow!

And the fun continues...

Day 4 - Saturday, January 13
Chris and I were beginning to have Chick-fil-a withdraw. So, we got up early and drove about an hour away to the nearest Chick-fil-a for breakfast. After feeling refreshed, we came back to the cabin for some fun sledding. The snow was falling beautifully today and it warmed up quite a bit, so it was a great day of play outside. Micah was all about doing the sled by himself. He had a blast. Katie enjoyed being pulled around on her little sled as well. And, well, let's just say everyone else had just as much fun sliding down the hills.

Snowed in?

We are in Lyon's, Colorado and we're having a blast! That is located just outside of Denver. As you can see, we have plenty of snow to play in. It's a little colder here than we're used to. The day's have been between 0 and 10 degrees. That's pretty cold for Floridians. But, it is absolutely beautiful. God is such an amazing artist!

Day 1 - Wednesday, January 10
We spent most of the day on airplanes. The kids did great. Micah was a little hesitant boarding the first plane, but by the time we started to take off, he was super excited.

Day 2 - Thursday, January 11

So, we've been really busy checking things out. We visited Boulder today and went hunting for sleds and fun things to do. We went to Estes Park to a small restaraunt for dinner. We're definitely finding that there aren't a whole lot of good dining choices near our cabin. So, we decided to get a bunch of food to cook at the cabin instead. Between throwing snowballs at daddy, building a snowman, riding around in the car, and adjusting to the time difference, it's been an exhuasting day for the kiddos.

Day 3 - Friday, January 12
These pictures were taken this morning. The first one shows our view from the back of the cabin. The second one shows the view from the front of our cabin. The third photo was taken downstairs. Looks like we could get snowed in, huh?

Today we went sledding and Chris' dad attempted to use some ski's we found in the closet at our cabin. It was pretty funny. It was super cold today.