Christmas Pictures..

Katie got a shopping cart for Christmas. This isn't just any shopping cart, though.. I think someone must have searched high and low to find the "Special Edition" with squeaky wheels. When I say squeaky, don't be confused. You know how sometimes you grab a cart in the store and start pushing it around and every person is stopped in their tracks as they turn to see what that horrible noise is? That's this cart.

We extend our sincerest gratitude for this gift. :)


Wow... Are the holidays already over?? I can't believe that Christmas has already come and gone and that we are almost a week past that.

As you can imagine, Christmas with 2 kids plus a wife who is 8 months pregnant can provide quite a busy schedule. We put a little more effort into Christmas this year because Micah is to the age where he is starting to understand and enjoy it. I put more Christmas lights on the house this year than any other year. I also followed it up by going the day after Christmas to buy about 8 more strands of lights for half price. Looking forward to the lights next year!! :)

We also spent a lot of time (as usual) with our families for Christmas. It was good to get together, eat, and enjoy our families. The kids always enjoy time with family.

To follow up a really great time at Christmas, I went camping with Micah, Jeremy, and Logan. We went camping for real -- no campsite..we went to the forest. Made our own campsite. It was a lot of fun and I think Micah will have lots of good memories from that trip. I really can't wait for the next opportunity to take him.

Three Year Olds in Public..

We were eating lunch on Sunday in McAlister's. We had been sitting at our table for about 5 minutes waiting on our food to arrive when a loud noise came from behind us. A few tables over, another family was seated with a baby in an infant car seat perched atop an overturned high chair. The high chair must have fallen back and the car seat and infant hit the ground. The baby was obviously unharmed and the fall was quite gentle, but made enough noise for everyone immediately around to notice. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable for the father who picked up the baby--his embarrassment was on his face. Everyone that had seen it looked on as the father held the baby. In a truly natural three year old volume level, Micah exclaimed, "Oh, it was only the baby!" ...whew! We were all relieved. :)

Custom License Plates..

Here is a link to a website that I find rather amusing and useful, too. This is the Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles site for Personalized License Plate inquiries. You just type in what you would like to see on a license plate, click the button, and they will tell you if that plate is currently available. Very nice...

Personalized License Plate Inquiry


I happened to look at Judy's blog the other day. It was a little embarassing at first. I realized she wrote a post about our Ikea trip, too. I think it is funny if you look at these two posts to see how similar they are and how we speak the same way. When you've been married for 8 years and known each other for 14, I guess that is bound to happen.

My Ikea post:

Judy's Ikea post:

Gun Training Your Kids..

What? Did I title this post Gun Training Your Kids? hehe.. Here's a funny story that forces the issue, IMO.

So, Judy has taken a strong position of "non-exposure" for our kids and guns. Most of you know I enjoy guns, but I've kept them locked up and hidden (my kids have never seen any of my guns).

Naturally, Micah has taken to making anything a gun. I get the impression that nearly all boys just know guns and what they do from birth. He prides himself on the sticks from the yard that especially have a "gun-like look" to them. He plays for hours "shooting" these guns.

The other day Judy and I sat in the driveway while Micah played with his gun. He brought it over to Judy and offered her the opportunity to shoot the gun. She politely declined, but Micah urged her to join in. She took the stick...err..I mean gun and pointed it out straight. Micah, timely as can be, gave a loud "BANG!" then immediately said "You killed him, Mom!"

The look on Judy's face was priceless! She didn't know what to say. LOL I think I have come to the conclusion that if WE don't teach our kids about guns and safety, that they won't know (about guns and safety). We already know they are aware of guns and what they can do.

I'm not proposing to sit Micah (3 years old) down and give him a "gun lesson". I just don't think non-exposure is the answer. Seems that you run the risk of your kids making up their own reality.

Ikea again..

Judy and I were able to take a trip this past weekend to the new Ikea store in Orlando. As most of you know, we are huge fans of Ikea. I must say that the Ikea Orlando store is much better than the Ikea Atlanta store. I don't recommend anyone bother going to the Atlanta store. They just don't have it together. [reference Ikea Atlanta post]

We went with Josh and were supposed to meet David and Avonn there. If you've ever shopped in an Ikea, you'll understand that we just weren't able to meet up with them. But, nonetheless, it was nice to take Josh on his first trip and we were also grateful to spend time with LB. She lives in Orlando and met us there to walk around and catch up.

Seven hours later, we had procured a few items including a new dining table and chairs for the kitchen, a new bed frame and such for the guest room, and some other items. Yeah, I said seven hours. We arrived before 10:00 AM and got in the car to leave after 5:00 PM. (Hmmm... Judy seemed fine to wander around Ikea for 7 hours, but she is "too pregnant" to put the Christmas lights on the house?? Yeah, right!) ...wait.... just in case you can't see my obvious sarcasm, I'm only kidding. Judy "tested" a lot of the chairs and stuff. hehe..

Josh was able to get a few things for his house, too. I think we all left Ikea with a things still on our lists. That's the draw of Ikea, I suppose. Judy and I are planning another "mini run" soon.