New Posting Strategy..

So, I found a new way to post on the blog. Turns out they have a way to submit posts through email. I find this interesting because it gives me the opportunity to send forth a quick thought during the day. I will give it a shot and we'll see how it goes... (consider this a disclaimer in case my posts seem cryptic.. hehe)

For those of you who might be bored...

I (Judy) decided I'd try my hand at blogging. Nothing too exciting, but I'm hoping it will act as a kind of diary for me. So, if you have nothing better to do, feel free to check it out... ;)

Over a month??

I can't believe it has been over a month since my last post! That means time must be flying by and I haven't noticed. I better run through a few updates for everyone...

Chris' Job
I have changed jobs. I was at my last place for 5 1/2 years. It was really a great place to be and I am so thankful for the opportunities and experience that it provided me. I started at Blue Cross Blue Shield on August 6th (Happy Birthday, Jeremy!). It is really a great move for me and provides even more opportunities! I've been there for about 2 months now and I am still excited about it.

Baby #3
The new baby is due January 21st. Judy is doing great and we are both very excited! As for a name, we still haven't settled on anything. I'm sure THREE kids can't be any more work than TWO. :)

Micah & Katie
Micah turned 3 and Katie is 1 1/2. They are both so much fun! They keep Judy and me on our toes, but I suppose that is what kids are for. In preparation for the new baby, we put Katie into Micah's room (out of the nursery). We have two beds in there and thought we should get a head start on that transition. The first night we pretty well. Katie got out of bed once.